Our sweet girl is 11 months today! I cannot believe that in one month we will have a ONE YEAR OLD! That is still so hard to believe!
This month Ella has developed SO much! I feel like her personality is coming out more and more everyday! She is definitely able to communicate (i.e. yell at us sometimes haha) about what she wants. She is doing great with her sign language and getting really good at telling us when she wants more food, or more of an activity and so on. I am loving being home to see all of this. She is also all over the place. She is not walking along yet, but will hold on to our pinkies and walk...she gets going really fast if she is headed towards a toy she wants or Jaxon. I still think we have some time before she walks unassisted though, which is fine by me! She can get to that when she is ready.
She has started making really silly faces this month and been playing lots of games. She will start the game peek a boo and get really excited when you join in and she loves to play phone. It is still so amazing to me how much a baby grows in a year and that just 11 months ago she slept and ate and that was about it :) Ella still loves bath time (since the day she was born). I am not sure what it is, but bath time always calms her down and she loves it so much. Now getting pj's on after bath time doesn't always go as smooth...haha.
She is a big eater and loves food. Right now she is loving blueberries, sweet potato pancakes, quinoa, bananas, turkey, (rice and beans when Nana takes her to dinner), and yogurt. We are still working on eating straight veggies, but she will eat spinach, broccoli and peas mixed in her quinoa just fine, so we will take it!
I have been working on planning Ella's birthday party (which might be one of my favorite mom things to do.) I am just so excited to celebrate the blessing she has been in our lives and how much joy she brings us!
Here are some pic of our big girl....I think we might have some red in that hair...
Love that sweet face!
This is the reality of an 11 month photo shoot...haha
She is such a snuggle bug!
She LOVES books!
Here is to one more month of babyhood! I can't wait to see how she grows this month!