I have been craving a few random things like....cinnamon life cereal ( I literally NEVER eat cereal...EVER!) but this has sounded good recently. I am definitely enjoying a popsicle on hotter days and love steak kabobs from Zoe's. Hudson is definitely bringing out foods that I would not usually pick, unlike with Ella I always craved sweets, which is very typical for me. I officially start my 3rd trimester next week and we are trucking along getting everything in order for Hudson. I am hoping to finish up his nursery soon and will post pics when we do.
As for big sister, she is 1 1/2 today! What!!! She is full of personality and saying new words every day. I feel like I can't keep up with how fast she is growing. I am also really loving her cute names for things that we know what she is saying, but has her own version, for example blankie is banbie and its precious. She also LOVES her owl and when she says "owl" it sounds like a 2 syllable word "OW-UHL." She is doing a great job at communicating, but along with that comes some pretty good meltdowns when she is told no or if we do not understand. So, that is something we are definitely working on with our little spirited girl! Lately, if you ask her where Baby Hudson is she will come up to my belly and give it a kiss. I think it is pretty sweet!
Once the 3rd trimester starts I am trying to plan some fun family dates to be intentional with our time together as a family of 3 before a newborn is in the mix. If you have any great family dates that you have loved send them my way.
Ella (18 months) with blankie, owl, and using Hudson as a pillow!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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