After Ella's first birthday I took a "vacation" from keeping up the blog. Also 2 weeks after her first birthday (the last time I really blogged) we found out we were pregnant, traveled, bought our first house, and life got a little crazy chasing around my busy girl. I love going back and looking at the posts from Ella's pregnancy and first year, so I am going to try to add some pictures and updates in here and get going again.
We were surprised a couple days after getting back from Breckenridge, CO to find out that we were pregnant! My first trimester was pretty standard (compared to my pregnancy with Ella) and I had my 2 weeks of nausea and other than that I was mostly extremely tired. Thank goodness Ella still napped twice a day during my first trimester because momma usually needed a nap too! I definitely felt Hudson kicking around much sooner and have loved the feeling of having him move around all cozy in there. I love this part of being pregnant.
Being pregnant in summer has definitely been a whole new ball game. Anyone who knows me knows that I am already very hot natured and wouldn't exactly say that I thrive in the heat, but the Lord is teaching me so much in choosing joy because I have a little girl who adores being outside, loves the water, and has little interest in kicking her feet up on the couch in the air conditioned house. We try to get in fun activities in the morning and be more creative with our afternoons. So far summer has been really fun with her. We have definitely had our long, hot days, but overall we are really trying to soak up our girls summer before sweet Hudson arrives!
I get giddy thinking about when he will arrive. I love thinking about the fall and the holidays and how we will be adding such a sweet joy to our family. I know the newborn stage can come with its fair share of long nights and sleep deprivation, but I feel so much more confident going into baby #2 and trusting that I can do it. With Ella, there were so many times I doubted if I was doing it "right." With Hudson, I know we can do it and have tons of friends and family who can lend their wisdom on the harder days.
This pregnancy I have not had too many crazy cravings. Although 2 times I have called James to get Cane's on his way home from work. All I really want is the toast and Cane's sauce, but I have kept that craving at bay. Right now its coconut yogurt with almonds and dark chocolate chips...yumm! Oh and fresh lemonade never hurts :)
Here are some pictures from my pregnancy so far...
12 weeks at the Easter service
14 excited to announce we are expecting!
16 weeks
18 weeks and bought our first house
19 weeks and snuggling after lots of unpacking
22 weeks
23 weeks at the beach
24 weeks right before Ella's swim lesson
Overall, it seems like this pregnancy is flying, so hopefully I will be able to document some more and get back into blogging about our growing boy and busy girl! Luckily, we have still been taking lots of pictures, so at least the family book at the end of the year won't lack for documentation! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

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