I don't have a belly photo this week, but that can be attributed to the third trimester coming in with a bang! This week has felt like a gradual turn into feeling my body's need for rest and hormones going a little crazy!
I am definitely having to choose to be joyful in this season of pregnancy, and fail at this all the time. I catch myself wallowing in how hot I am and the fact that sweat seems to constantly be a part of my every movement. Then, Hudson kicks or moves around like crazy (because he is super active) and I am brought right back to the place of remembering how worth it this is. How my sweet babies are teaching me so much and bringing me closer to the Lord in so many ways, that I will take being hot for the joy I get to have being their momma.
This week has definitely brought on the hormones too. I am finding that I have to give myself a little time each day to nap or lay down or I seem to find the need to cry over the most ridiculous things. This week I actually cried because one of my plants died and I just did not understand how that could happen when I have tried to water it so well (and it has rained!). Go ahead...laugh...it is absolutely ridiculous. But this change has been so good for James and I to revisit what those first several weeks can look like. How they can be filled with emotional breakdowns and tears from exhaustion amongst the joy of a a new baby. It has really got us talking about ways we feel loved and can love each other through that season. I feel like we know a little more of what to expect and are more confident in ourselves as parents, so I am really praying for the Lord to use that season to love each other well.
Even though there are no belly pics this week, here are a few pictures of a mighty spirited 18 month old I know....
This is Ella with her "OW-UHL." She loves to lay in her bed and read books after naps.
This week we watched the Polar Express (she didn't quite make it through the whole thing, but we got a little here and there.) I love watching movies and snuggling with her, especially Christmas movies!
Hope everyone has a wonderful week and enjoyed their weekend!

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