Tuesday, March 8, 2011

chocolate molten cakes and a sweet reminder

Chocolate Molten Cakes just might be one of my favorite desserts! As many of you know I would take dessert over a normal meal almost any day! Well, tonight is the last night I get dessert for a while. During my Bible study with the other Young Life leaders one of the girls encouraged us to think about giving something up during the season of Lent. Even though this is not something that Watermark really does, the whole purpose is wonderful. For our group of girls we are giving up something as a constant reminder of the greatest gift that was given up for us to have life, and that is Jesus. I really went back and forth on whether this is something to share because typically when you give something up it is not because you want others to recognize you for it or anything. But I hope this does exactly opposite. I hope it encourages you to think about something that you could give up. Something you will have to stop and think about giving up several times a day. In return I hope that each time you think about how you gave that up, that you are reminded of the beautiful gift of Jesus. 

So tonight for our date night James is making chocolate molten cakes (and a yummy shrimp pasta with tomato basil sauce). I thought this would be a great time to share this AMAZING recipe that you have to try! I found it on Pioneer Woman (surprise!) and she actually found it through tasty kitchen (her blog where people can share recipes). So please make it, don't cook it too long so it has beautiful melted chocolate, and enjoy with a scoop of ice cream!


Click here to get the recipe! 



  1. hmm. i remember those cakes. you and me sitting on your couch by the fire. sweet memories.

    and and for the record that shrimp pasta sounds awesomeee!

  2. Oh, sweet memories!!! And the shrimp pasta was AMAZING! He made this tomato basil sauce to go with it. I am sure you would love it!
