We had a wonderful time celebrating Kory and Amanda's wedding shower (and Amanda's bday) with them in Houston this weekend! Here are some pics from the weekend...
DISCLAIMER: Houston is humid. The End.
The girls celebrating Amanda's 24th bday!
The boys happy to be back together!
Amanda and I at the wedding shower.
There is only one time in life that kitchen items are this exciting! And it is such a fun time!
Me with my love!
Loving the bride koozie!
We also had a chance to get brunch and do some antique shopping on Saturday morning. I did not find any antiques, but I did find a really cute shirt at Buffalo Exchange (a resale shop)...can't wait for some warm weather to return so I can wear it!
We can't wait for all of the fun wedding festivities to continue until the wedding on May 28th!
Also, don't forget Spring Fling is still going on. Check out some great giveaways here....

Have a wonderful Tuesday!