Some of you might have heard through facebook or seeing me lately, but we are so excited to announce that little baby unthank will be joining our family on January 14th (or whenever he/she decides to get here). This surprise has seriously been the most amazing blessing I could have imagined. Most people who know me know that I have wanted to be a mommy since I was born and LOVE sweet little babies! Don't get me wrong, I know this will be a journey with ups and downs and there will be many, MANY sleepless nights, but we are so excited to see what God has in store through all of the hills and valleys of this adventure!
I will be 16 weeks on Saturday (AH....4 months!!!!).
My First Tri-mester List (because I love lists)
1. I was TIRED!!!!!
2. Luckily I only had about 2 weeks of queasiness and I could usually manage it with LOTS of small snacks (esp. carbs). Although, I have plenty of friends who had a much different experience.
3. Cravings: orange juice, oranges/fruit, potbelly's chicken salad with hot peppers, ice cream, and zoe's limeade. I love anything tart!
4. Random craving: a biscuit from Babe's with honey...I had to have it!
5. The Lord really used this time to refine me and make me realize areas that I was not trusting Him fully. I found myself worrying about the baby and if he/she was healthy and growing. The Lord really used this time to remind me that this is HIS child and He has the perfect plan for our sweet little baby. I know this is not the first time I will have to remind myself of this lesson.
6. I have learned that each pregnancy is SO different and while being in community with other preggers friends is wonderful, just remember you might have a completely different experience than the person next to you. I got a belly band earlier than some of my friends because to be honest, I was SO uncomfortable buttoning my pants towards the end of my first trimester. That was okay and I learned to embrace it!
These are just a few things I experienced and learned in my first trimester. It is really nice to be in the second trimester and get back a lot of the energy I was missing in the beginning. Also, it is really fun to start feeling/looking preggers!
I am looking forward to sharing baby crafts, ideas, and topics over the next several months!