When I started planning out the nursery I had the hopes of making a lot of the items that went in Ella's room. Although, the reality of working and being pregnant did not always allow the time or energy to do that. I had to be a little more realistic about what I could get done (which has been a huge lesson the Lord is teaching me through this pregnancy). I made a list of a few things I really wanted to make/do for the nursery.
1. Make a sign with a quote in wooden letters (see below)
2. Finish repurposing the old dresser we had and add some cute knobs to use as a changing table (pictures to come).
3. Make a wreath to put on the door or a shelf in her room
4. Make her burp cloths (weekend project coming soon)
After that, I thought I would just work with what we had and see if any other ideas came to me. The sign I made below is one of my favorites. It was a wonderful way to enjoy a Sunday afternoon and put up a quote I love! The pictures make it look way more pink than it really is, but either way I was really happy with how it turned out.
Here is the canvas with the wooden letters laid out.
Once the letters were glued down, I painted over the letters an canvas.
This is the finished product that now lives happily on Ella's shelf! I wanted it to look handmade so avoided making the lines and spacing perfect. When I was done I wasn't sure if I should have done that, but it has really grown on me and I am glad I did!
Overall, it was a fun project that I am really excited I did! I got the idea from a mixture of things I had seen on other blogs and pinterest. I saw a wooden letter canvas for a wedding gift on pinterest and a wall decal with this quote on several blogs and combined the ideas!