Monday, April 4, 2011

The World of Coupons

The world of coupons is one I continually try to figure out, yet feel like I always fail at using them. I am definitely the girl who hardly ever buys anything full price (unless I am shopping at Target) and James and I split 9 times out of 10 when we eat out, but coupons at the grocery store have yet to work for me. 

Every time I log on to Coupon Mom,, or any of the coupon sites I find a long list of foods I don't buy, or the need to buy 3 boxes of something to recieve 50 cents off. Am I the only one who has this problem? I would really like to incorporate using coupons into my weekend grocery trips. We are always trying to find ways to save where we can. I want to steward the money the Lord has blessed us with as best as I can, but I also believe in eating good food, things grown locally, and as little processed food as possible. 

James and I do most of our grocery shopping at Central Market and Whole Foods, and occasionally Tom Thumb, but seem to have no luck saving money with coupons. I would love to hear if you use them and what works for you! 

Any ideas? Please share!

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