So this month I somehow forgot her monthly post...oops! I am working on a baby book for her first year and each month we write her a letter and take pictures, then I save them, so at the end of the first year I can compile them into a book to give her. I love taking these pictures and can't wait to see the whole book come together!
Here are her 5 month pics (and a few extras that are super cute!)
She is one happy girl!
Oh how these pictures have changed! She was over it real fast and ready to roll around.
This is from a couple days before she turned 5 months. She looks like such a big girl!!
Sill girl always moving those arms and legs.
Love her so much!
This month has been so fun! Ella is rolling all over the place and pushing up on her arms all the time. If you try to sit her up she leans all the way forward and then will push her arms straight for a few seconds. She is always smiling and giggling and such a content baby. We have started teething big time and there is drool EVERYWHERE! Ella also loves her solids! She has tried tons of different foods and so far has loved it all! She really likes avocados and her oatmeal with apples.
I am loving being home to see all of these milestones and so grateful to be here to watch her grow!