We took Ella with us to the Zoo yesterday with my second grade class and she did such a great job! She took a couple of naps and loved all of the things she could stare at! It was so fun to have her with us for the day and helped the week go by really fast!
Here is our baby girl with her fan, so she can stay nice and cool on a hot day!
When she got home daddy did some tummy time with her! She is getting so strong and I can't believe how long she holds her head up.
The Zoo was really fun, but definitely something I think we will wait to do again until she is a little older. The kids in my group did so great with Ella and loved pushing the stroller. It was really sweet.
Here are some other pics from recently....This one melts my heart!
Ella and her buddy, Jaxon ready to go!
Hope everyone has a great Thursday...exactly 4 weeks until I am staying home with my baby girl!