First off, the move is over (and by over I mean we are still getting situated) but most of the big stuff is done! We were so blessed to have amazing family and friends who helped make the move unbelievably easy.
Now, onto inspiration boards. I have been checking out the Tiny Prints Blog lately and have come across some great ideas and deals. If you like them on facebook you get some great offers to make free customized cards. I have done some in the past and they are so meaningful and great when you get to add a name or your own picture. But even better, they do these wonderful inspiration boards on their blog. They put together a collage of pictures and ideas to "inspire" you for a theme for a party. You can even take bits and pieces and add them in if you were just having friends over, or celebrating a birthday with the family and friends. This week's board caught my eye. I loved the cuteness and most people know I love anything with ice cream!
And by the way, this is just my opinion on Tiny Prints and just want to share some lively inspiration! Here is the board for the Ice Cream Party. Think of somewhere to use this...Ready.Set.Go!

The wooden spoons are my FAVORITE! I love wooden spoons. They are such a fun touch to so many different things. They are great to tie to a dessert you bring a friend to make it convenient and cute!
Take some time and check out the blog link if you want to know where any of the items are from. The hats are DIY, so that is always a fun craft project!
Any great party themes that have caught your eye?