I have never been so torn between wanting to soak up every sweet moment with me and my girl and time as a family of 3 and wanting our little man to join the fun! Some days I would give anything for more time of this simple and fun stage before the newborn stage begins and other days I cannot wait for the sweet snuggles and James and I embarking on baby #2.
I am amazed how fast this pregnancy has gone by and definitely very excited that we are in the home stretch!! One more month until Hudson is due and that makes this momma very happy!
Here I am at 35 weeks. It is 100 degrees outside and I am PREG-NANT. Hudson is super active and seems to be moving all of the time which has been fun to experience. The movements are definitely changing as we run out of room, but he still manages to be pretty active! I haven't had any crazy cravings, but last week I was dying for chinese food, but didn't want to feel super puffy afterwards, so James made Stir Fry that was delicious! I have also craved pumpkin, but that craving has been curbed a few times since it is not quite cool outside.
While Hudson is growing Ella has been turning into more of a big girl every day! Here are some fun pictures from recently...
Ella trying Sprinkles Ice Cream for the first time.
Ella cheering on her Aggies at a watch party with friends! Also, coloring on the receipt obviously!
This girl could not love Lambie more than she already does! ("MAM-EEE") She LOVES to play doctor (just like Doc McStuffins) everyday and Lambie is her little side kick!
Ella also started her first day of MDO without mommy. She loves it so far, which is such a blessing. She has an incredibly sweet teacher and is exhausted after I pick her up.
Ella's personality is developing more and more every day. She is definitely an independent little girl who knows what she wants. She loves fruit and is definitely on the pickier side when it comes to vegetables and protein. She is talking so much and definitely communicating her favorite things. Every time we pull into church she says "chuchhhh" then immediately says "siiiddddeee" which is slide. She loves to go down the slide before she gets dropped off at child care. One of her favorite sayings lately is "Come on," in the sweetest little voice. When she wakes up in the morning she wants everyone out of bed to have breakfast and will say "come on" until we are all headed down the hall. She has also started saying her own version of "I love you." She says "Muh Moo" and will usually come hug or kiss you....melt my heart!
James and I can't wait to watch Ella become a big sister and to meet our little man, Hudson. 4 1/2 weeks to go!