Ella is 6 1/2 months old and I cannot believe we are closer to one year! AH! She is growing like crazy and it seems like her personality is developing more and more every day. She is a petite little one, but healthy and sweet as can be! Her eyes are still looking like they will be blue, so we will have to see if any changes come along.
She LOVES...I mean REALLY loves to snuggle. During my pregnancy I prayed and asked that the Lord for a baby that would love to be held and snuggled and am so grateful for this sweet gift from the Lord. Sometimes I wish I could just freeze time when I am rocking her.
Ella started sitting up the day before her 6 month birthday. She had been trying for awhile, but it seemed like overnight she just decided to sit up. We still put pillows around her because every now and then she will decide to fly to the floor. She is full of smiles and talks SO much (I wonder where she gets that from!)
She is also eating solids twice a day. This girl loves her solids! She gets so excited when it is time to eat and it is quite the messy event! Some of her favorites are avocados, mango, watermelon, and sweet potatoes. She really loves almost anything though! Right now, I am making most of her food, but definitely use the pouches when we are on the go. I was able to make her organic homemade food for much less than what it would have cost to purchase pre-made. I also look at the dirty dozen list for help on what to buy organic and still be mindful about the cost.
We also got her a little pool for the backyard and this girl loves to be in the water! Whether it is pool time or bath time she is loving the water! We usually have to hold on to her in the pool because she wants to eat the water and go flying into the pool!
We are so grateful for her development and the Lord continues to teach us to trust Him as we raise Ella and remember she is ultimately His. I am loving getting to see this sweet personality the Lord gave her develop.
Hope everyone had a great weekend and maybe I will get back on track with 7 months :) !